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Is Your Huge Cock Gonna Fit!?!


Tantric Fitness

Posted on November 15, 2023

I seriously did not think so, hence the title My buddy JP offered to come over and help me with my hole stretching progress. I didn't realize how big of a man and how huge of a cock he has until he arrived. I thought, there is no fucking way I can get that big dick in me! At first I decided to shift the scene into a sloppy blow job (just posted). With some coaxing and encouragement, JP convinced me to give it a try and I'm SO glad I did. Fucking amazing. He put me at ease with his words, his hands, his mouth and then his giant Penis. I moved and breathed and moaned with him and sure enough, my hole relaxed, received, and milked a load outta him. A brilliant fuck by a confident, caring man who takes the time to build connection with his partners. Thank you, JP!

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